Evaluation Criteria PREVIOUS: Writing Program Policies The Writing Program’s student-writing evaluation guidelines reflect our program’s emphasis on the rhetorical nature of writing, reading, and learning, as well as on the importance of inquiry. Thus, student writing is evaluated according to its rhetorical effectiveness—rather than “correctness”—at all levels: content, style, and mechanics.Student-writing evaluation, therefore, gauges how well students develop effective rhetorical skills and helps students develop those skills further in the process of the semester to become more competent writers. The Writing Program evaluation criteria are meant to show what success looks like in ENG 104 as a whole. Every category may not apply to every assignment. Your instructor may create a rubric that is specific to their assignment or they may grade holistically, which means that they will provide feedback and a grade on the paper overall rather than dividing the grade into specific points of categories. The writing and research process are both important to ENG 104, and your instructor may deduct points for not completing a draft or peer review session. NEXT: FAQs